Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Whatever Is Lovely

I've finally become part of the blogging world! I never intended to be, but there are so many reasons it will be a good thing, more so now than ever.

To explain the reason I invited you all to read my blog is that I am finding it hard to keep in touch with you all. You are all so dear to me. It's been 2 1/2 months since Darcie and Gavin passed away, and so many of you have made a great effort to send me a little note every now and then. I appreciate it more than you know, but I am finding it hard to respond to all of them. Firstly, I am often left teary eyed at the end and cannot see the keyboard properly to type back. Second of all, I don't always know what to say right away; it's hard to always know what you are feeling, or how to thank-you sincerely. Thirdly, I didn't think that any of you would really want to know what we were/are up to, but I've come to the realization that apparently you do! I'm hoping that this blog can give you all little updates, and sneak peaks into how we are doing and what we are up to these days.

It's an interesting season in our lives right now. My hunky husband and I have been blessed with each other and our wonderful tiny tot, but we greive for our sister and her fiance still each and every day.

Now just a little note about the title of my blog. Maybe you recognize it from Philippians 4: 8 & 9,

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or
praiseworthy - think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or
heard from me, or seen in me - put it into practice. And the God of peace will be
with you."

Over the past couple of months it has been easy for me to fall into dispair. Thoughts of why me? why us? why them? often come to mind. It is easy to wonder what the purpose is for us left on this earth. Why should we continue on in this sinful world? Would'nt we love to get to heaven with Darc and Gav right now and forget living day after day in the here and now? I came across this text and it was very comforting to me. It gave perspective for me right now. We are supposed to think and focus on things here in this life, even as we look heavenward. Even lovely things! Anything excellent and praisworthy - think about such things! Isn't that wonderful! "And the God of peace will be with you." So comforting.

And we have been comforted with so many texts from the Bible. I would like to share one at the end of each post. May they comfort all of you as well.

Now to share a cheesy smile from my tiny tot. I hope it can make you smile :)


  1. Very nice Crystal. Thank you for sharing. We pray for you as you learn to live with your loss. How can that cheesy smile not cheer you up? ;)

  2. Crys... I love it!!
    What a great idea :)
    And yes, I always love knowing what you are up to, and any pictures of your adorable baby too
    xoxo girl.. love you!

  3. Dear Crystal and Phil and Lyra,

    Thank you for the beautiful pictures and message - it is so good to hear that in the midst of your grieving there still are lovely times for you.

    We know too that there is comfort in the unbelievably sad things we experience and are thankful with you that you feel lifted up by our Father in heaven.

    Love you guys! And we'll see you in a month!


  4. Hi Crystal:

    Thank you so much for sending us the link to your blog. It will be so nice to keep up with your family in this way. Just last week Auntie Ingo and I were talking about starting a family blog so that we can keep up to date better with all our far flung family.

    Love the pictures of Lyra.

    We are looking forward to reading more posts.

    We're thankful that God is upholding you with his precious and very great promises.

    Lots of love from all of us Schoutens
