Thursday, February 24, 2011

3 Months Old!

Our baby is 3 months old already! Princess Pea (which she will be aptly named based on the meaning of her name - victory of the king) has been growing like a weed and is still a very happy and content baby. Bfeeding on the other hand is not going so well, but we are working on a few things and hopefully it will get better. I'm too stubborn to quit (just yet) so we will continue to persevere. She just started to suck her thumb and loves to coo, screech, and smile. Here are some pics!

My two girlies...

Princess Pea and her cousin J (3 weeks apart in age)...

Sucking her thumb...

Sleeping peacefully...

Getting ready to go out on a really snowy day...

Psalm 67 :1, 2 "May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations."


  1. Thanks sooo much for the pictures! She doesn't look like she's suffering at all from lack of food - i hope your perservence and stubbornness pay off for both of you! I can't believe how big she is already! and soo cute! On some of them, she looks exactly like you, aunt E, and Tiny Tot!

  2. Oh Crys thanks for posting them. She's soo grown up and chubby already :)
    Love it. Her and lyra are so cute together!
    PS: Noticed your prior post .. do you think those tissue flowers could be cool for wedding decorations??

  3. jill... that's what I actually have in mind to try for my sister in laws wedding. That's why i thought I would practise with a few. Her wedding is in June so I can let you know how it goes! Super cheap idea if it works!

  4. So cute! I love her cheek! On the one of her sleeping she looks like Lyra...

  5. What a little chubs; whatever the bfeeding troubles, she looks like she's getting cream:)! All the best with that; hope it becomes more of a pleasant experience. The pictures are adorable! Looking forward to seeing you all soon...

  6. now i may be a little biased here but that pick with her 3 week older cousin is a winner :)
