Thursday, January 6, 2011

Tiny? Tot

Tiny tot has become quite the little stinker lately. Her favorite word is "no", and her favorite sentence is "no mommy" or "no no no". She loves to run away, especially when I tell her to come, and she loves to find something bad to do when I am nursing because she knows I won't get up.

How's this little stinker face?

Or this one?
When we were still at my mom and dad's I tried to take a nice picture of my tiny tot to capture what she looked like when her little sister arrived. This was the result...

Would we trade her in? Not a chance. We love her to bits and really, it's all the fun in parenting a little one. We are enjoying every minute of it. And her cute, wonderful moments make up for everything bad. Here is a picture of a super cute moment. Aunty Eee came over to babysit and being the great aunt that she is, played tea party with my little princess....

This is also a tiny sneak peek of part of our living room in the new house. More pics to follow... I promise. :)

I want to share a text with you today that we read at the dinner table yesterday. I made Hunky Husband read it a couple of times, because it really struck me in a certain way. With all the challenges that our family has been going through lately it really made me think in a different way about our situation.
The text is Hebrews 4:16; "Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help is in our time of need."
It is talking in the context of Jesus being our great High Priest and that we may go to him in prayer when we are being tempted. I thought it was still fitting and thought that we could apply our situation to "time of need." What hit me was the word 'confidence'. What a comfort to know that if we are confident that God will help us in our time of need, he will certainly give us the mercy and grace to do so. I think it also humbled me in a way, because I don't think that my prayers, especially as of late have been overly confident. Certainly something to strive for!


  1. Jonathan took his computer to BC... so I missed checking a few days! Another wonderful post... the joys of parenting! She's still a darling... even with her "stinker" face! How can you get mad at that cute face?
    Consistency is something that is difficult to achieve (with little and big kids), but it's really important! Keep that thought when you don't really feel like disciplining! It pays off in the long run!
    And thanks for the text... a good reminder for all of us - that we can be confident! God indeed hears all our prayers!
    Looking forward to your next blog!
    love to all of you

  2. Hi Crys:

    Thanks for posting. Maybe from now on you could email us that you have a new post up, because I keep forgetting to check and then read it much later. Lovely text from Hebrews!! Thanks for sharing. Would so love to see you and your little family again. Also, can't wait for photos of your house!!
