Thursday, July 8, 2010

Our New (temp.) House!

So I know many of you having been feeling sorry for us because we're homeless, but rest assured, we are actually living in a wonderful basement suite at a beautiful estate on acreage! Let me show you a few pictures!

Here is the front entrance (which some of you have already seen), with our hand crafted mailbox... This is the front door from the inside looking down the hallway. Notice our coat rack (which was generously donated by one of the landlord's sons) and our shoe rack...

Living room... Unfortunately no cable t.v. like our last place :( We had to pay way to much for that...


Computer desk... (At least we get free Internet!... and it's faster than the old house!)

Bathroom... and in case your wondering, we did NOT pick the colors. The landlord must have been feeling really happy when painting this one!

Our happy girl... I think she likes the new place :)

Tiny tot's room...

Our room...

We sleep together...

So what do you think? Pretty satisfactory hey? We can't believe that a whole 5 weeks has past already. Fall will be here in no time! Ok, let's not think about that. We really have been enjoying our summer so far. The weather has been warmer and with such a spacious yard, we have been trying to take advantage of it all. We have been blessed in so many ways and we thank God each day for that.
I wanted to share a text today for those who carry weight on their hearts, those who are "heavy laden". God knows what you/we are going through and will give us true rest and relief from our burdens if we lay them upon Him.
Matthew 11:28-30 "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will
give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and
lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and
My burden is light."


  1. Dear Crystal,

    Thanks for the update!(about time--I check pretty faithfully:)
    Here is something to go along with your ending--taken from another blog I read regularly:

    "This is the difference between AN answer to prayer and THE answer to prayer:

    Our sovereign Lord has the ability to grant everything we ask for. But like any loving Father, He has more in store for us than what we could ever think to ask for. (Ephesian 3:20)

    In His infinite wisdom, God answers our prayers with glimpses of the greatness to come. He allows us a foretaste of His glory by revealing a shadow of His blessings.

    The full answers to our prayers and the full glory of His blessings will only come in eternity—but they will be there for an eternity. This loving anticipation keeps us from trusting in the temporal things by keeping us longing for the eternal things."

    And another quote from that same person based on Ephesians 1:

    "“Before the foundations of the world” verse 4 tells us, the predestined purpose of [our lives] was being worked out “according to the counsel of God’s will.”

    I don’t pretend to fully understand that. But this weighty passage serves as a heavy anchor that keeps me steady in the most violent of opposing storms.

    This anchor is not the security of a useless cliché that falls from the lips of well meaning Christians, “God knows what you’re going through.” Of course He does, He’s God. Instead it is the promise that God has an intentional plan for what you are going through. A plan that works all things according to the counsel of His will...a plan that precedes time and supersedes circumstances.

    Ephesians 1 completes my investigation. [We are part of] a mysterious element of a divine plan. A predestined purpose of God’s will to the praise of His glorious grace. A display of the immeasurable greatness of God’s power according to the working of His great might.

    Case closed.

    Have a lovely day!
    luv Aunt Val

  2. YAY! It's about time my lady! I was down to 2 blog checks a day... I had almost given up! ;) Can't wait to see you all in a month!!

  3. I've been checking for updates....! Thanks!! Very nice suite you have there. Looking forward to visiting you in it soon:)!
