Friday, July 30, 2010

She's On The Move!

Yup! After 13 months on content one-spot playing, tiny tot has decided she'd like to crawl... and stand... and swim... and climb stairs, all in a matter of three weeks or so! It has certainly been an adjustment for me since I've been used to her playing contently in once spot for months. I use to brag to all my frazzled friends that MY baby is just content to play with her toys in one spot for HOURS! Well, not anymore my darling friends! It has been *choke* work for me to actually keep an eye on her. The other day Hunky Husband was trying to take a nap on the couch while I was on the computer. "Are you watching her hun?", "Yup" was my reply and I continued perusing Facebook. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her round the corner to the hallway, but she is a slow, newbie crawler so I didn't chase after he. A minute later I turned to see where she was and she was gone! Out of the house! Granted our door is just a curtain, but she had left the house and headed for the stairs. Time for a baby gate? And pack-n-play? I think so. :)

One of her first times crawling...

Climbing up to get Grandma S's pretty flowers...

Crawling takes a lot of concentration...
Especially if you want that sucker!

A couple of cute pics from our miny photo-shoot...

This is other trouble that you get into when you start to move... (that's her left leg out the right armhole!)

What mommy? She LOVES to crawl to the shoe rack and whip off all the shoes...

First time standing in her pack-n-play...

Quite proud...

She loves to swim with her uncles...

We have recently started putting her in a jolly jumper to strengthen her leg muscles as per our doctors recommendation. I have a feeling there is nothing wrong with her developmentally, but she loves the jumping so we'll keep it up :)

Watching her uncles shine the car...

I had to include one picture of her favorite boy right now. She loves boys in general (over girls that is) but Shane-y is her favorite. She gets a sparkle in her eye when he comes around...

So as you can see we have been enjoying our summer so far! I hope you all have been as well. We are off to Ontario for the next two weeks to enjoy it some more! Pretty exciting...
On a completely different note... a news story struck me this week and I wanted to share some thoughts and a text with you. I don't know if you heard about the women in France who was put in custody after is was discovered that she had buried and hid eight of her own infants (over 17 years) after giving birth to them. Naturally, along with everyone else, my first reaction was shock and horror. As I read further it explained that she would most likely be charged with "deliberate homicides of minors under the age of 15". This is a life sentence. And then it sort of struck me... isn't this happening every day to thousands of yet unborn children through abortion? Those women (and their "doctors") aren't being charged with anything! Yet, this women, who is described as most likely having a psychological condition known as "pregnancy denial" will be thrown in jail for years. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but this just doesn't make sense to me at all.
Hopefully she gets the help she needs. And I'm hoping that this "condition" can be brought to light and these women helped before more tragedy's happen.
The text I want to share today is Mark 10:14-15 "He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."
Our children are such a rich, precious gift from God. And let us remember that if we have as much faith as a little child, we will inherit the kingdom of God! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Our New (temp.) House!

So I know many of you having been feeling sorry for us because we're homeless, but rest assured, we are actually living in a wonderful basement suite at a beautiful estate on acreage! Let me show you a few pictures!

Here is the front entrance (which some of you have already seen), with our hand crafted mailbox... This is the front door from the inside looking down the hallway. Notice our coat rack (which was generously donated by one of the landlord's sons) and our shoe rack...

Living room... Unfortunately no cable t.v. like our last place :( We had to pay way to much for that...


Computer desk... (At least we get free Internet!... and it's faster than the old house!)

Bathroom... and in case your wondering, we did NOT pick the colors. The landlord must have been feeling really happy when painting this one!

Our happy girl... I think she likes the new place :)

Tiny tot's room...

Our room...

We sleep together...

So what do you think? Pretty satisfactory hey? We can't believe that a whole 5 weeks has past already. Fall will be here in no time! Ok, let's not think about that. We really have been enjoying our summer so far. The weather has been warmer and with such a spacious yard, we have been trying to take advantage of it all. We have been blessed in so many ways and we thank God each day for that.
I wanted to share a text today for those who carry weight on their hearts, those who are "heavy laden". God knows what you/we are going through and will give us true rest and relief from our burdens if we lay them upon Him.
Matthew 11:28-30 "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will
give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and
lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and
My burden is light."