Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Homemade Bread & Lululemon

Yesterday I was a busy lady. Monday's always seem to be busy for me. It is my designated laundry day and I usually try to throw in other things as well. So I got up on time, tidied my house (which always needs tidying after the weekend), threw a load of laundry in, organized my closet so it now looks like this.....

and this.....

instead of something like this!

Then I baked these....

and these.....

and after I breathed a sigh of relief that I had completed all the duties on my daily docket (more on the daily docket later, but if your curious check out, I turned around to see this bag....

What's that you ask? It's a Lululemon bag. This bag has been haunting my thoughts for the last week and a half. What's in the bag? The most cutest, darling speed running skirt you have ever seen. I purchased it from Lululemon Athletica because I was looking for some sportswear that I could wear to the beach this summer. Since tiny tot was born I now have some unwanted areas that need some extra coverage at the beach. I also want to look decent and still look like a young mom fashionista.
So what's the big deal? This skirt cost *drumroll please* $54 plus tax!!!
I slipped it on the card a couple Saturday's ago and brought it home to show hunky husband. His jaw naturally hit the floor, but as the days went on and I explained all the wonderful features of the skirt he "allowed" me to keep it. It had evaded my thoughts for a few days until yesterday when I saw it and realized the irony of my baking homemade bread and buns and this lululemon skirt. SAHM's who do countless loads of wash and bake and organize etc. DO NOT buy from Lululemon. Or do they? ARGGGH! Now I'm struggling with it all over again. Is it okay to splurge once in a while to look good and decent on the beach? I think so....
I think I am going to put it in my newly organized closet and forget about it till summer. That way the 14 day return window will be over and it will have to stay :)

Now, about my date on Friday... Hunky husband first took me to the imax where we watched Wild Ocean 3D. It was fabulous! Definitely worth the watch; God's creation is Awesome!
After the show he took me to an exquisite restaurant called Joey's. The food was ridiculously good and the romantic ambiance divine. It was such a treat to get out with him alone and spend an evening together. It was so fun not knowing where we were going either. And tiny tot was safely at grandma and grandpa S's so we didn't have to worry about her at all.

We'll I better go and fold all that laundry I washed yesterday!

Psalm 18:2 "The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my
rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my


  1. Will you be baking bread during the first week of March? Or maybe you can save me some!!

    See you soon!

  2. Crys, how much money did Phil spend on that date? (No, that was just a retorical question, I don't really need to know....the question has a purpose): I am sure he spent more than $54. When you get a few uses out of that skirt on the beach this summer you may consider it a few well spent dates with Phil:)!!! Keep it and enjoy looking good and feeling fashionable!

  3. Keep it Crys! :)
    PS: You make your own bread? You rock girl!

  4. Oh, and I love the red in your room <3 THE best color.

  5. Good for you! What kind of bread do you make? It looked scrumptious! :-) Happy for you that you had a nice night out! :-) I know about the lulu lemon thing.....I have avoided the stuff so far..... ;-)

  6. Crys, I love your blog. So nice to get an idea on your daily life. The pictures of your little baby are just awesome. She's is just so squishable.
